Custom Consulting Services
Specializing in research, course creation, and high level data analysis and reporting, my clients have included school authorities, professional organizations, system education leadership teams, and small businesses. I have provided a variety of customized consulting services based on each client's specific context and needs.
Custom consulting options are listed below, but if you have a project or idea in mind, book a complimentary Discovery Call and I will customize a package to meet your needs.

Program Review
If you have a program or organizational process that you would like to assess for it's current effectiveness and potential areas for improvement, a program review process will meet your needs.
The Program Review process begins with a consultation with leadership team to determine the scope of the review. A detailed work plan will be developed based on this initial consultation.
The Program Review process will be customized to meet your needs, but it may include:
Onsite visits to workplaces
Individual interviews with key employees and clients
Focus group sessions with employee or client groups
Survey creation, delivery, and data analysis
Analysis of internal and external data
Reference to relevant research, policies, procedures, etc.
Custom processes related to specific organizational context
Final report, professionally formatted and ready for publication to stakeholders
Slide deck to accompany final report for use when sharing the review results with stakeholders
Other processes or products as agreed upon as part of the initial consultation and work plan
The scope of the review will determine pricing. Please book a Discovery Call to discuss your needs. A quote for program review services will then be provided.

Course Development
With over 25 years of experience as a professional educator and educational leaders, I have created a delivered hundreds of learning sessions and courses for adults.
If you are looking to create an engaging course or professional development session, book a Discovery Call and I will share with you how I can help with your content development.
The Course Development process will be customized to meet your needs, but it may include:
Course content development including slide decks, participant workbooks, manuals, feedback tools, etc.
Facilitator/Instructor guide with detailed notes, instructions, and list of required resources and references
Engaging activities embedded throughout that are based on current adult-learning research and best practices
Suggested pre- and post- activities to enhance learning
The scope of the course development process will determine the pricing. Please book a complimentary Discovery Call to discuss your needs. A quote for course development services will then be provided

Stakeholder Engagement
If you are interested in learning what your stakeholders think about an issue, program, vision, or direction, the stakeholder engagement process will meet your needs.​
The process begins with a consultation to determine your needs and learn about your context. A detailed work plan will be developed based on this initial consultation.
The Stakeholder Engagement process will be customized to meet your needs, but it may include:
Survey creation, delivery and analysis of the results
Focus group facilitated sessions
Individual interviews
Collation of data to pull relevant themes and recommendations
Final report and accompanying slide deck
The scope of the stakeholder engagement process will determine the pricing. Please book a complimentary Discovery Call to discuss your needs. A quote for stakeholder engagement services will then be provided.